The Perfect Steak
The plate is put in front of you and you cut through the steak, which is fried to complete perfection. Best of all, you are the one who fried the steak. Without being a professional chef, we will give you the best tips for the kitchen – and here you learn to fry the perfect steak with a quite simple trick, where you don’t have to compare the steak with the softness or hardness of your hand or slice it in half to see what it looks like inside.
We will teach you to fry the perfect medium steak – every time!
So you might be thinking, well, how do I do that then?
It’s a very simple method you need to take to make yourself and your guests happy and satisfied every time they get a steak served.
With our ONYX COOKWARE™ frying pans, you don’t need extra fat as the frying pans are designed to use the natural fat in the steak by keeping the heat in the frying pan.
You will need:
- Your ONYX COOKWARE™ frying pan
- Coarse salt
- A good steak in the size you prefer

Preheat the frying pan to the number or flame it should be on throughout the frying. ONYX COOKWARE™ frying pans work with all stoves. It should be on medium-high heat. On stoves with a 1-9 scale, it is commonly on 7. You can experiment with the heat on your own and find the perfect setting for your stove.
While the frying pan preheats, pour coarse salt onto the frying pan. It has to be coarse and not fine as it gives the steak an extra lift from the frying pan and thus gets the perfect sear. Then place the steak on the preheated frying pan.

After 2-3 minutes, the underside has the desired caramelized crust. The steak must only be turned once! If you are curious, you can just lift the steak and look at the underside, but you have to let it finish frying before turning it.
Listen up! Because here comes the real trick. When should you lift the steak off the frying pan? When the other side is also caramelized? When there’s the crust? Or when the steak feels like in one way or another? No, what you need to do is keep an eye on the juice or blood coming through the steak. That is your sign for the steak to rest 5 minutes on a grate. The grate helps the juices to get away from the steak so it doesn’t swim in it on the plate. You don’t need a stopwatch or do the ultimate sin – cut the steak before it is done!
That it! Now you have the perfect medium-fried steak every time!
Does this trick work on all sizes of steaks? Yes, but the thicker steak you have, the rarer you will get it by following this method. As a rule, it also has to do with the fact that those who prefer their steak rare also like a thick steak. This method can all meat lovers use to get the same result on all the steaks.
What are you waiting for? Hurry up and start cooking the perfect steak with your ONYX COOKWARE™ frying pan. If you don’t already own one, you will find our selection of frying pans right here.
Written by: Tanja, ONYX COOKWARE™